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Showing posts from November, 2020

Who am I?

Hello, In this post, I'm going to tell you about myself. My name is Yusuf, and I'm from Sivas, but I have been in Gaziantep for about 10 years now. I live in an apartment with my mother and brother. In my free time, I like to play basketball, read books and watch cartoons. Nowadays, I cannot play basketball because of the pandemic. I'm a big fan of NBA basketball. I try to watch most of the matches. I don't have a favourite team in there, but there are a lot of basketballers I love to watch. Stephen Curry, Kawhi Leonard, Chris Paul and James Harden are a few of them. I also like watching cartoons. I usually watch cartoons that I used to watch when I was a child. As for reading, I love classic books. I love to see the world from the eye of a person who lived a long time ago. That's why I don't find new books very attractive. That's all about me. If you have any questions, write it in the comment section. Thanks for reading. Goodbye.

My Favourite Place in Gaziantep

Hello, In this blog post, I'm going to write about my favourite place in Gaziantep. It's called " Hayri Tütüncüler ". It is a park and a garden opposite "Harikalar Diyarı", the famous theme park. It's huge. There are cafés, basketball courts, a football field and picnic areas there. You can ride your bike, play basketball, go running or go on a picnic there. You can have your picnic on benches or grasses. It's my favourite place because I can play basketball and ride my bike there. These are my hobbies. And I can sit and relax on its beautiful grasses. You're not allowed to have barbecue, but you can have a light picnic. I go there once a week, usually on Saturday or Sunday. I sometimes go there alone to ride a bike or play basketball, but I usually go there with my family. I last went there two months ago. I was alone. I rode my bike but did not play basketball. I think you should go there too because it's a perfect place to spend your free