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Showing posts from December, 2020

My Lockdown Routine

 Hello guys, In this post I'm going to write about my lockdown routine. I live with my mother and my brother. We live in an apartment. Nowadays I always stay home because of the pandemic. For me, weekdays means online education nowadays. On weekdays, I usually get up at around 8:30 o'clock. Then I start my lessons at 9 o'clock. I usually have my breakfast during one of the break times. My lessons usually finish at around 1 in the afternoon. Then, I usually spend time with my mother. We usually watch tv or just chit-chat. In the evening, we always have dinner around 6 p.m. Then we always have a tea time altogether while we watch TV. After that, I sometimes read a book or watch videos on YouTube. I usually go to bed around midnight. On weekends, I usually get up late, like 10 or 11 a.m. Then I always a have a big breakfast with my family. This is one of my favourite moments of the whole week. I look forward to these moments. After  the breakfast, which usually takes around on

An Inspiring Person

 Hello, In this post, I'm going to write about an inspiring person. Her name is Greta Thunberg. She is a 17 year old young girl from Sweden. She is a student and an environmental activist. In 2018, one day, Greate decided not to go to school. Instead she went to the parliament building (of Sweden) and protested the government's attitude towards the climate change all alone. Then she became famous for her ideas and nowadays she is a famous activist and giving talks in different places.  World Economic Forum , the European Parliament and the United Nations are a few of them. In this video, Greta is addressing all of the world leaders and calling upon them to do something serious about the climate change. Greta is also joining protests for climate change in different countries. She goes everywhere. Greta in a protest in Canada In my opinion, Greta is a very inspiring person because she does a lot of things against the climate change. She is also very sensitive . She is doing he